Sunday 26 June 2016

Third annual picnic ~ July 3, 2016

Come on out and join your neighbours at the park for an afternoon of fun. Bring along a friend, the family, and some snacks and savour the summer. 1pm July 3rd at Orlebar Park. 

Wednesday 16 July 2014

Time to Vote!

As some of may already know, there's something great in the works for the "Birchwood" Field, so named due to lack of formal existing name (we know what that's like!) adjacent to Orlebar Park.  

The project, submitted by the Privateers Football Club, has already won $25,000 under the Kraft Celebration Tour contest, which will be put toward more work on the football field. 

That's the good news. 

The great news is that the project is also in the running for an additional $75,000! If successful in winning the additional funding, the priority would be to begin planning toward a building with washrooms and change rooms.

Voting takes place on July 21st and 22nd and there will be a TSN broadcast on August 21st at Victoria Park.

For more information on the proposal for the field can be found here.

It would be amazing if we could get all of the neighbourhood, and our extended social networks, to vote for the field on the 21st and 22nd of July.

Sunday 6 July 2014

Fun times with neighbours

Thank you to everyone who came out today! 

The weather turned out to be great, if a little windy. 

Plenty of people, some food, soccer, getting to know each other, and even a tiny bit of magic. 

We will definitely have to try this again!

Picnic this afternoon

Despite Arthur's best efforts, we are on for the neighbourhood picnic this afternoon. Join us at the Orlebar Park at 1pm and bring a snack to share with your neighbours. Don't forget your water and sunscreen!

Thursday 3 July 2014

Rain date

Just in case... Still hoping for Arthur to pass us by in time for Sunday afternoon... but...

Rain date for the neighbourhood picnic is next Sunday, July 13th at 1pm.

Check here, on twitter, or on Facebook for updates this weekend.

Monday 23 June 2014

Helping Out

It's all coming together... 
Here's a preliminary To-Do list for the picnic - this was posted under the main picnic post, but we are adding it here as a stand-alone post as well. 

Many people have asked how they can help out with the picnic. Please let us know, by PM messaging Sam Murphy on facebook or emailing her at, if you have an interest in taking on any tasks on the list or have access to items needed. We are, as always, open to new ideas and please let us know if we're forgetting anything. 

This information will also appear on the facebook group site.

Some highlights and logistical matters already tended to:
-The picnic will be potluck style.
-The city will supply extra tables and garbage disposal.
-Posters are going up in the next few days.

1.Celebratory (visual) markers such as a banner(s) or balloons
2.First Aid kit
3.Name Tags
4.Organize Music(ians)
5.Booth with some comment boards would be a great idea. We could have a few different topics:
6.Activities for the kids 
7.Shelter (Does anybody have shelter or know of anybody who might have one?)